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Charly (1st Officer & Chef)

What Micha says about Charly: 


"Charly fascinates me anew every day. His serenity in the face of everyday bullshit, his inner peace even on stressful days and above all, his sheer endless love and willingness to help others. Charly is the friend I've longed for all my life and never believed that such a person existed. From my point of view, Charly is the combination of all good things and I am the happiest person on earth to be able to call him my best friend."


Charly is a former celebrity chef and worked many years for the late Gianni Versace as his personal Chef and House manager, Cher calls him the "King of Bolognese" and Madonna hired him for her daughters birthdays party. He further worked for Pavarotti, Sylvester Stallone and many other celebrealities.


He speaks English, Italian, Spanish and French.


Charly is very open to everyone and always a very funny companion.

Charly & Cher
Charly & Pavarotti

Born in Italy his cooking style is Italian influenced, but his main talent is to create unbelievable delicious meals from easy ingredients and his love that he put in every dish he creates.


During his career as a chef, Charly had the honor of cooking for many different stars and starlets. Tell him a name, and he will tell you what he cooked for them.

Charles Podesta cooked for...

Beach Patrol Article about Charly as the Chef of Gianni Versace

Charles Podesta in Beach Patrol
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